COVID Vaccines have arrived!


Today I volunteered with Hands on Nashville and the Mayors office to assist the Metro health department with COVID vaccines for first responders. To say it was emotional would be an understatement. Physicians, Nurses (Meharry), Alive Hospice, State Troopers, EMTs, COVID testing staff, etc. These people have seen so much, and they were thankful and hopeful and yes there were tears.  One of the older public officials said he didn’t deserve to get a vaccine because he had been one who hadn’t taken this virus seriously for far too long. As he learned this virus does not follow political, ethnic or religious lines and it will/has affected or even taken someone we all love. 

280+ vaccines given by days end at our location, and the vials had some left that had been thawed so we volunteers were offered a vaccine too. It was a good day!   

They are going to need all the hands they can when they begin to vaccinate the public so I told them I would spread the word to my medical friends. 


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