What a week!

Do you ever have those weeks when everything seems to be happening at once? Last week was one of those for me. My office relocated, my friend had extensive surgery with scary results, Dad and Sherry returned from Russia with Sherry injured and needing medical attention, it was Race for the cure week, and I had two cousins getting married on Saturday.

So, I unpacked a few boxes at my new desk on Monday, Lisa rode with me to Birmingham to spend the day with Amber on Tuesday. Dad and Sherry arrived and Kim (Sherry's daughter) took her on to Vandy for x-rays. (Sherry has a tibial plateau fracture and injured rotator cuff.) On Thursday, I picked up race packets and took dinner to my other friend who had surgery. I attended a bridesmaid brunch (on my lunch break) on Friday. By Friday afternoon, when I had burst into tears for the fourth time at work, one of my friends said "Laura, I just need to tell you - I think you have passed your limit and you need a break." I agreed and got my purse and went home and crawled in bed.
Saturday morning, Jenni, Emri and I left the house at 7:15 to meet our Race for the cure team. We walked the 5K, then headed home to shower and change for Hayley's wedding. Saturday night we had dinner with friends and relaxed and I went to bed early.

I don't think I could have fit any more in if I had tried!


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