March is National Nutrition Month

This month is National Nutrition Month and the ADA has some great resources on their site. They even have printouts that are helpful to teach your kids the importance of fruits and vegetables. The theme this year is "Eat right with color".

Some others like encourage people to Eat the Rainbow or Paint your Plate during this month. I am currently reading Kris Carr's new book titled Crazy Sexy Diet. I am enjoying it so far and I agree with her message to have a more plant based diet to keep our bodies and minds in tip-top shape.

Here are some of Kris' suggestions for eating the rainbow:
  • Red – Red peppers, tomatoes, grapefruit, radishes, kidney beans, red rice, red quinoa
  • Pink – Grapefruit, guava, pink beans
  • Green – Kale, collards, broccoli, green beans, lentils, edamame
  • Yellow – Pineapple, corn, squash, pears, split peas, millet
  • Orange ­– Sweet potatoes, mangoes, carrots, apricots
  • Purple and blue – Grapes, blueberries, eggplant
  • Black and brown – Black beans, black rice, brown rice
  • White – Cauliflower, mushrooms, quinoa, pearl barley
Make sure you check it out, eat those veggies, and don't forget to shake your tail! (exercise is important too)


Anonymous said…
I'll take a look at that book.

I've been reading: In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan. He says, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

His website describes the book perfectly: "In Defense of Food shows us how, despite the daunting dietary landscape Americans confront in the modern supermarket, we can escape the Western diet and, by doing so, most of the chronic diseases that diet causes. We can relearn which foods are healthy, develop simple ways to moderate our appetites, and return eating to its proper context — out of the car and back to the table."

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