Red Cross Instructor Course

I grew up with Red Cross courses. Sylvia Harris was our local Red Cross instructor. I took Red Cross swimming lessons each summer beginning at age 5 and going through age 17. My mom was not a swimmer, so she made sure all her girls knew how to swim. She used to say, she wanted us to know how to save her if she fell in. I remember to get my lifeguard badge we had to rescue Sylvia in with her resisting us the whole time. I think I weighed 98 lbs at the time. Wow, that was a battle! I think I was underwater the whole way to the side of the pool, but I made it. She passed me with one restriction - no lifeguarding in the ocean. Alas, at that moment my hopes of being a future Baywatch Babe were dashed! :)

Last week I became a Red Cross Instructor myself. It was 3 long days of Instructor training. We had homework each night and had to do a lecture and a couple of teach back sessions for skills. Our instructor was great and kept the sessions as lively as she could. There were 12 people in my class and by Thursday afternoon, I had bruises on my hands from doing so much CPR with all the teach back sessions.

I will have to ask my Dad to make sure he tells Sylvia of my accomplishment - I'm sure she will be proud of me.


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