Sad day

I grew up with Tina and Brad Graves, they were high school sweethearts - grew up, got married and had two beautiful children Mallerie and Heath. Their daughter Mallerie was a beautiful 17 year old girl, and looks like the perfect blend of her parents. She was diagnosed with aplastic anemia and has been at St. Jude since March. In April she received a bone marrow transplant from an unrelated donor. I've been keeping up with what is going on through Mallerie's caringbridge blog and through Judy, one of her cousins. Mallerie has had a very tough time and Tina has not left her side since she was admitted. Brad has been going back and forth and trying to keep things as normal for Heath as possible. I am sure neither of them have had a restful nights sleep since this all began.

Early this morning, Mallerie lost her battle with this disease. I am heartbroken for Tina, Brad, Heath and everyone who loved her. I know Mallerie is in God's arms right now, and she is ok. I also know God will take care of everyone who loved Mallerie, but it will be a long journey ahead. Please keep this family, and everyone who loves them in your prayers.


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