Trip to Henderson

I took Friday off from work and headed to Henderson with Linda and Lisa. We attended the Alumni banquet where Dad received the "Henry and Ruby Dodd Award". This award is given to someone who has dedicated their lives to service to the school and community. My Dad fits that bill perfectly; he has over 50 years of service to Henderson and Freed. The Dodds were friends of his and my Mom's for many many years. Their children were very happy to see Dad get this award, and of course we were very proud of him as well. Love you Dad!

On our way out of town this morning, we stopped at the Pied Piper 40th reunion. We watched a Piper show and got to see Kell Lee, her precious daughter and husband. After the show Kell was telling stories about growing up with the various Piper troops. Her Mom, Joy, was my pre-school teacher and her Dad, Hank, ran the theater department when I was growing up - they were fabulous people.


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