Cold and Flu season

I woke up feeling tired and achy this morning. Bryan and I have both had a cold this past week, but we were attributing that to the weather change and sinus. Since I've been exposed to the flu twice recently, once at work and then again with Jenni, I decided to go get checked out. I went to the minute clinic in Franklin before dinner tonight. The NP there said I could be having early signs, so she gave me some tamiflu to have just in case. I am supposed to get plenty of fluids and rest. If I start running fever, then it is the flu and I have to take the meds and stay home.

After the minute clinic, we went on to dinner with Josh's family, and I kept my distance. They had just returned to town from a weekend of hiking and camping the Cumberland trail. The girls were very excited and had lots of stories. Emri had stayed with Chassi's sister and she was glad to be back with her sisters.


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