Christmas Day at the Halls
Dan is in Iraq this year, but we were able to talk to him through skype. Technology is so good - it was great to see his face and hear his voice. Dan said they were well fed for the holidays and the company that is running their cafeteria went out of their way to make it festive for the troops. We miss having him here with us, but are so proud of him for all his hard work and sacrifice. Deanna is doing an amazing job juggling everything while he is away. Lauren and Logan seem to be well adjusted and happy with their new school. I know Deanna is thankful to have Bryan's parents near by for an extra layer of support right now.
We had a delicious holiday dinner with turkey, ham and all the trimmings. Once we were all well fed, we moved to the living room to open presents. I think we all got everything we wanted and then some. We should all have plenty of toys, clothes, music and electronics to last us a year or two. Fabulous day - Fabulous family!