Jenni's move to Chattanooga

Jenni has decided to move to Chattanooga to live with one of her best friends Molly. They have a cute little bungalow on Signal Mountain. Molly is at UTC and Jenni is still weighing her options for returning to college. Jenni moved home and took the year off when I was diagnosed with cancer, and she is still trying to decide exactly what her next move will be. Chattanooga has a very good Arts scene and hopefully it will give her some good opportunities. It definitely has some awesome views for her to shoot photos.

Josh and I drove down with her on Sunday and delivered the rest of her belongings. He reassembled her bed and hooked up their washer and dryer, I cleaned a little and we left them unpacking. She started her new job today and loves the people there.

Some of the family has been asking to see Europe photos from Jenni. Her laptop died last week, so it may be a while before I can post any of her Europe pictures. If you run across great deals for Macbooks - let me know! I'm sure she is going through computer withdrawal right now.


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